RedCrab Features

RedCrab Calculator Features Listing


Free placement of mathematical formulas in natural notation
Numerics formats of results
Decimal fixed point, floating point, exponent
Hexadecimal, octal or binary
Date- and time format
Optionaly with text
  with units of measurement
  with prefix
Individual assignment of output formats to variables
Audible announcement of the results
Number of chart types for graphical display of the results
2D function plotter
Calculating with units of measure. Automatic conversion of different systems in a formula (km, miles, acres, liter, yard).
Defining your own mathematical functions
Accuracy digits 14 / 28
Print selected areas of the worksheet
Insert of text boxes
Insert of images
Integrated functions >250
Tooltips and online help in German and English
Interface (API) to perform its own functions in external programs
Slider for variable data input